Here are some updates on my life recently.
1. Alhamdulillah. The previous blood tests indicate all negative and normal results. Btw, kena juga teruskan ambil ubat2 berkoyan - koyan tuh. Next three months, will have another appointment with specialists. Huhu... And kena berpantang. No seafood, no keropoks, no meats, no frozen foods.. Aduhai...
2. This recent long holiday been spent near Raub. Dapat balik Sg Retang sekejap on Saturday. Monday morning to Kuala Lipis and then to Raub till Sunday. Luckily, we manage to go to Mini ICT near main road to Bentong. Sila layan gambo di bawah ye:
3. Balik baru ni cuma sempat masakkan kakak kek batik. Hulamak, lama giler rasanya tak buat kek paling senang ni. Almaklumlah, dah pandai buat kek bakar guna oven. Ceh, Anyway nanti boleh tgk my other blog to get the recipe. Si Fadilah mintak buatkan kek coklat tapi tak sempat as many other important things to complete before going to Raub. Tak apalah dik, nanti maksu buatkan ye.
4. The best part of it, is my short trip to Cameron Highlands. Its my bro in law's suggestion. We went there using new road (Raub - Cheron - Tersang - Koyan - Pos Betau - Cameron Highlands). It was just about 1 hour and 45 minutes car driving. Bolehlah. Gambar kat bawah:

(Antara pokok asam batu kat Mardi. Dah selamat dibeli oleh mum)

(My Eldest Nephew)

(My two little nephews: Adib Naqiuddin + Afnan Muaz)

5. Naik angin dengan anak buah sulung. Entahlah today adolescents really hard to handle. Really hard to make them understand that life nowadays really challenging in nature. Really hard to even giving advise to them. Aduhai, may only the precious will happen to your life dear.
6. Balik Sg Retang dan terus menuai pokok sawi mak. Aduhai, mak pun kira redha je. Now, mak mula tanam pokok baru. Moga kau hidup baik - baik dan segar - bugar wahai sayur.
7. Cuti ni memang semua kerja letak tepi. Hambik kau, bos tegur tak siapkan kerja. Minggu ni pulak minggu audit.
8. Plan cuti - cuti this week, macam tak jadi je.. Sedihnyerrrrrrrrrrr...
9. Stop dulu la. Korang pun dh boring kot baca kesah aku yang tak seberapa ni kan?
May only the precious will happen on our life dear.
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