Assalamualaikum and Salam 1 Malaysia to all readers...
We are now in the month of March. Already in the third month of the year.. Huhuhuhu... Many have to be settled in these recent months.
First of all, I would say this coming week will be the busiest week for me. I have to make sure all assignments are completed before I can go home for my big bro wedding. All assignments, you know. They are like mountain to me now. Let list them below:
For Operation and Technology Management subject:
Two major assignments. One to be presented on this coming 10th. One to be submitted on the same day. Sangat susah okay. One to think of one innovation product, and to describe it product and process type as well as to explain the layout of the factory to produce such innovation.
Another one to find one public listed company which recently made operational changes or absorb new technology and to describe the why, how, when, what result of the change. The answer must supported by evidence. Both on the change and the after change evidence. Susah jugak ni. Meaning we have to think about changes that occurred few years back so that we are able to describe with evidence the result after the changes now. I'm thinking of Proton, MAS, or some other glcs but my group wants to maintain to discuss about Nationwide Express Courier. Never mind. We already have the materials yet, it is still not complete.
For Strategic Management subject
All case studies have to submit on the 17th. There are three individual case studies to be analyzed and answered. Apart from that, we have to complete our main project and to present the data on the 18th of the month. This is a complete analysis of a company strategic issues such as the corporate background, corporate pathway, the financial stability as well as to chart some suggestion for company improvements. Another 'adoyai'.
For me, I rather prefer to have some 'lega' when thinking of strategic management assignments. It just that, the requirements are much easier than the another subject. And maybe, I already did such assignment during undergrad. They are just pretty the same.
However, all must be completed before my brother wedding this coming 10th. Luckily, the lecturer permits me to take leave on that weekend. And luckily my other group mates, are willing to take the responsibility to present on behalf of me. Thanks to all and I promise to prepare the best for our group.
Itu cerita tentang kerja sekolah yang berlambak. Apapun, cannot wait to gather with families on my big bro wedding. But, let me tell you something to avoid conflict or confuse here. Okay, I have 3 biological brothers (2 are married, one still single), and 3 biological sisters (all are married). However I also have some other adopted siblings. I have 3 adopted families. One in Jerantut, and two in Kuala Lipis. And my big bro who is going to be married is actually my special adopted brother. Why so special? Coz all of his siblings are turned to be my parents' adopted children since 15 years ago and so do with my siblings. My siblings are also turned to be his parents' adopted children. The bond are not only between me and him but between the rest of the families. And no doubt, we are so close to each other.
So, tak kan nak miss the moment like this kan?
Okaylah, ofis dah sunyi sepi. Mau balik masak gulai lemak sardin. Bestnyer kan? Perasan lebih. kalau ada belimbing buluh lagi best. Tapi apakan daya?
See u on the next entry regarding my job as facilitator this recent weekend. Byk gambar nak share... Sangat teruja!
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